Spent a few hours being 'in-the-space', or the site rather, experimenting with the few wool/thread/string materials I have/had brought with me to NYC on the CEP.
Began writing material shopping lists, some other snippets, bare threads of text for the performance, scheduled for mid-November.
The texts will be and are being written on Duplicate Sales Receipts- thereby continuing my usage and reserach into Derrida and the Mystic Writing Pad, postmodern notions of the 'origin' and the 'copy'.
This time, borne out of my mistake to use a soft ball pen insteda of a pencil, when first writing on the duplicate receipts, that the audience should re-write over the text I write, thereby placing both my handwritten text 'under erasure' but also allowing for their text to be impressed firmer onto the duplicates beneath. A double gesture still nacent but could prove fruitful as a means of re-defining the notion of 're-writing'- not as a deliberate, readable change to the a work from the text [remember Barthes] but rather how repetition can be deconstructive and subervsive to its apparent, illusiory intentionality through erasure...
My biggest convern so far is the 'clothes-shelter' I envisage constructing. Need to figure out exactly how it will be supported about how much 'washing line' I will need.

The texts will be and are being written on Duplicate Sales Receipts- thereby continuing my usage and reserach into Derrida and the Mystic Writing Pad, postmodern notions of the 'origin' and the 'copy'.
This time, borne out of my mistake to use a soft ball pen insteda of a pencil, when first writing on the duplicate receipts, that the audience should re-write over the text I write, thereby placing both my handwritten text 'under erasure' but also allowing for their text to be impressed firmer onto the duplicates beneath. A double gesture still nacent but could prove fruitful as a means of re-defining the notion of 're-writing'- not as a deliberate, readable change to the a work from the text [remember Barthes] but rather how repetition can be deconstructive and subervsive to its apparent, illusiory intentionality through erasure...
My biggest convern so far is the 'clothes-shelter' I envisage constructing. Need to figure out exactly how it will be supported about how much 'washing line' I will need.
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