Monday 13 December 2010


Part of Speech: noun

Pronunciation: [ren-uh-'vey-shun]

Definition: Restoration, the process of renovating, refreshing.

Usage: The noun renovation refers to the physical (or, in its original sense, spiritual) act of restoring something to a new condition. Renovation is most commonly used in reference to houses or buildings, which undergo a process wherein the structural and cosmetic deficiencies are repaired like new. Until recently, the word was more commonly used in reference to the heart, "renovated" by the grace of God in the Christian world.

Suggested Usage: Nearly anything can be renovated, not just the houses on Extreme Home Makeover, and the word deserves to be used as such. Your car can undergo a renovation, it's true. But your elderly grandfather can experience renovation as well. Give him an iPod, a pair of skinny jeans, a Guitar Hero controller, and an earring. Let him keep his browline glasses, though. They're coming back in a big way.

Etymology: Used in the early 15th century, the Middle English word that eventually became renovation (renovacyoun) referred exclusively to the spiritual rebirth experienced in Christianity. It is derived from the Latin past participle renovare, as re + novare means to make new. The term "renovate" was not seen in print until some time later

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