Monday, 30 August 2010
...Zeus was further enraged by Prometheus's escape and had Prometheus carried to mount Caucasus, where a vulture or an eagle named Ethon (offspring of the monsters Typhon and Echidna) would eat out his liver; it would grow back each day and the eagle would eat it again. This punishment was to last 30,000 years.
...Rockefeller Center in New York City is a virtual shrine to Prometheus. His golden statue stands at the head of the central fountain, with lines from Aeschylus inscribed below.
The new reality they sought was radically secular and stridently simple. The ideal was not the balanced complexity of the new American federation, but the occult simplicity of its great seal: an all-seeing eye atop a pyramid over the words Novus Ordo Seclorum.
Fruit Battery
Fruit Battery
Use Fruit to Generate Electricity for a Light Bulb
If you have fruit, a couple of nails, and wire then you can generate electricity to turn on a light bulb. Learn how to make a fruit battery. It's fun, safe, and easy.
Here's What You Need
* citrus fruit (e.g., lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit)
* copper nail, screw or wire (about 2" or 5 cm long)
* zinc nail or screw or galvanized nail (about 2" or 5 cm long)
* holiday light with 2" or 5 cm leads (enough wire to connect it to the nails)
Make a Fruit Battery
1. Set the fruit on a table and gently roll it around to soften it up. You want the juice to be flowing inside the fruit without breaking its skin. Alternatively, you can squeeze the fruit with your hands.
2. Insert the zinc and copper nails into the fruit so that they are about 2" or 5 cm apart. You don't want them to be touching each other. Avoid puncturing through the end of the fruit.
3. Remove enough insulation from the leads of the light (about 1") so that you can wrap one lead around the zinc nail and one lead around the copper nail. If you like, you can use electrical tape or alligator clips to keep the wire from falling off the nails.
4. When you connect the second nail, the light will turn on!
Learn More
* Citrus fruits are acidic, which helps their juice to conduct electricity. What other fruits and vegetables might you try that would work as batteries?
* If you have a multimeter, you can measure the current produced by the battery. Compare the effectiveness of different types of fuits. See what happens as you change the distance between the nails.
* Do acidic fruits always work better? Measure the pH (acidity) of the fruit juice and compare that with the current through the wires or brightness of the light bulb.
Sunday, 22 August 2010
The Palettenpavillon by Matthias Loebermann is a structure made entirely from shipping pallets, ground anchors, and tie rods. Designed to be easily assembled and dismantled, and then entirely recycled at a later date, the resulting building is intended as a temporary meeting place.
'One man's trash is another's man treasure," says Martin Kaltwasser, screwdriver and saw in hand. The German architect and conceptual artist is
The Jellyfish theatre, which opens next week, is being built from the detritus of markets, timberyards and building sites; from redundant school furniture, hand-me-down front doors, recycled nails and pretty much anything that local residents and businesses have contributed – prompted by a public appeal by the Red Room film and theatre
Ausländer Raus! Schlingensief’s Container
Ausländer Raus! Schlingensief’s Container
Paul Poet | Austria | 90 min. | video | 2002 | Canadian Premiere | Featuring Christoph Schlingensief, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Einstürzende Neubauten
In the summer of 2000, German provocateur Christoph Schlingensief set up a refugee camp in front of the Viennese Opera House. He interned twelve actual refugee applicants in a large shipping container and streamed their life over the web for the week. As in any “reality TV” show, the audience was allowed to vote their least favourite player out of the compound – and, in this case, out of the country.
Crowned by a banner with the phrase “Ausländer Raus!” (“foreigners out”) on it, the container became a national flashpoint – hundreds of Austrians converged on the square and 800,000 others logged on to the website to cast their ballots. Schlingensief (dubbed “the German bad-tastemeister” by Variety) served as the ringmaster, watching bemusedly as people of every stripe shed their demure exteriors and let fly their inner prejudices. Jorg Haider’s extreme right Freedom Party funneled their consternation through the press – it’s never clear if they were insulted because they were being taunted or because somebody else thought of the idea first. The hippie left reacted en masse, storming the container and “liberating” those inside during their weekly Anti-Haider demonstration.
Paul Poet designed the website and documented the action from its inception to its logical conclusion. Poet’s resulting documentary covers the bases – from the use of art as a political challenge, to the concept of national embarrassment in the face of a civilised world, to the shit-disturbing narcissism of Schlingensief himself.
Thursday, 19 August 2010
How to pronounce English words: world and word -- powered by
Letter to Lord Byron
Letter to Lord Byron was first published in Letters from Iceland (1937), Faber and Faber, and Random House, New York. The revised text in this volume is based in Longer Contemporary Poems (1966), Penguin Books.
Clearer than Seafell Pike, my heart has stamped on
The view from Birmingham to Wolverhampton.
Hail to the New World! Hail to those who’ll love
Its antiseptic objects, feel at home.
Lovers will gaze at an electric stove,
Another poésie de départ come
Centred round bus-stops or the aerodrome.
But give me still, to stir imagination
The chiaroscuro of the railway station,
But you want facts, not sighs. I’ll do my best
To give a few; you can’t expect them all.
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
Sunday, 8 August 2010
St. Francisco di Assisi
Unlike other media – from tempera painting to video art – performance art doesn’t rely on some technological invention. Do you think it’s at all useful to assert that performance art began at some specific moment in time, with a particular piece or artist?
Some people say it started at the Cabaret Voltaire with the Dadas during the First World War. But of course you can trace it back to religious theatre and the self-inflicted agonies of the saints… and I’d much rather do that, because there was conviction and authenticity in the stuff they did – sitting on a pillar for 39 years (St. Simeon Stylites), trying to talk to the birds (St. Francis of Assisi) rather than the nihilism and banality of the Dadaists.
Many of the stories that surround the life of St. Francis deal with his love for animals.[22] Perhaps the most famous incident that illustrates the Saint's humility towards nature is recounted in the "Fioretti" ("Little Flowers"), a collection of legends[22] and folklore that sprang up after the Saint's death. It is said that, one day, while Francis was traveling with some companions, they happened upon a place in the road where birds filled the trees on either side. Francis told his companions to "wait for me while I go to preach to my sisters the birds". The birds surrounded him, drawn by the power of his voice, and not one of them flew away. Francis spoke to them:
My sister birds, you owe much to God, and you must always and in everyplace give praise to Him; for He has given you freedom to wing through the sky and He has clothed you... you neither sow nor reap, and God feeds you and gives you rivers and fountains for your thirst, and mountains and valleys for shelter, and tall trees for your nests. And although you neither know how to spin or weave, God dresses you and your children, for the Creator loves you greatly and He blesses you abundantly. Therefore... always seek to praise God.
task #37
We are citizens of this City.
Therefore We should never sleep.
Task #37: How long can we stay awake in the city that never sleeps?
Performers may ingest whatever drug enhancing stimulants and narcotic substances they want to remain awake.
Performers have to be working/performing with frequent breaks- to avoid simply just ‘sitting up trying to stay awake’.
Reminiscent of staying up the night before the hand-in in Foxhole during 1st year?
Friday, 6 August 2010
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
the double cross of lorraine
And the sigil used by Crowley was also employed by ancient alchemists as a device whose meaning was literally "very poisonous." In fact, the symbol was commonly affixed to containers of toxic substances in Europe as recently as the mid-twentieth century. To the alchemists, of course, the symbol and its very meaning had far more esoteric connotations. To them, poison represented an agent of transformation, a vehicle for the reconciliation of opposites. And there is an alchemical myth about a poison which for most men is extremely deadly, while for the elect it confers mastership and absolute power. Echoes of this idea recur as a motif in various aspects of the Grail lore. It would seem that the alchemists accorded this symbol very much the same meaning attributed it by Crowley, which in turn echoes what the Cross of Lorraine embodied for Rene d'Anjou. It is little known, but the Cross of Lorraine was also the official emblem of the Knights Templar.
Though they are more frequently associated with the symbol of the red equilateral cross, their true symbol first and foremost was the Cross of Lorraine, and many Templars awaiting death at the stake pursuant to the Friday the 13th persecutions drew the emblem on the walls of their cells. There is still a degree in certain rites of Freemasonry called the Knights Templar, whose symbol is the Cross of Lorraine. It is interesting to note that even the less esoteric-looking equilateral cross used by the Templars had essentially the same meaning: that of the union of opposites, the intersection of creative force and destructive force, or the union of male and female principles. It was a fundamental occult symbol, and it was in deference to the idea which it embodied that medieval occult rituals were often held at crossroads.
The Cross of Lorraine is far more explicit in it's iconography: the bar above mirroring the bar below, both of which are symmetrically affixed to a central pillar that provides balance and equilibrium. As above, so below is, after all, a Hermetic maxim. And the three bars of which the cross is composed echo Eliphas Levi's concept of the true trinity. Levi posited that the world is governed by two primordial forces, one creative, the other destructive. The equilibrium between these two forces constitutes a third force, and the union of the three constitutes what some might refer to as... God.
[extracted from]
In typography the double cross is called double dagger, double obelisk and diesis.
In botany a balanced cross (equal length bars on equal distances) is used to mark very poisonous plants.
Used to symbolize checkmate.
The "Cross of Lorraine" symbol appears in Unicode as U+2628 (☨) or U+2021 (‡) and in HTML as ‡ (‡).
The Cross of Lorraine design was used by silversmith during the Fur Trade in North America( 1680 -1820) When certain[who?] Native American group first saw the cross they thought that it was a dragon fly, which in their culture is a sacred being that took prayers to the Great Spirit on their behalf.[citation needed]
The Tower
(of Babel?)
The WORD, therefore, I conceive to be the symbol of Divine Truth; and all its modifications--the loss, the substitution, and the recovery--are but component parts of the mythical symbol which represents a search after truth.
How, then, is this symbolism preserved? How is the whole history of this Word to be interpreted, so as to bear, in all its accidents of time, and place, and circumstance, a patent reference to the substantive idea that has been symbolized?
The answers to these questions embrace what is, perhaps, the most intricate as well as most ingenious and interesting portion of the science of masonic symbolism.
This symbolism may be interpreted, either in an application to a general or to a special sense.
The general application will embrace the whole history of Freemasonry, from its inception to its consummation. The search after the Word is an epitome of the intellectual and religious progress of the order, from the period when, by the dispersion at Babel, the multitudes were enshrouded in the profundity of a moral darkness where truth was apparently forever extinguished. The true name of God was lost; his true nature was not understood; the divine lessons imparted by our father Noah were no longer remembered; the ancient traditions were now corrupted; the ancient symbols were perverted.
But this night was not to last forever. A brighter dawn was to arise, and amidst all this gloom and darkness there were still to be found a few sages in whom the religious sentiment, working in them with powerful throes, sent forth manfully to seek after truth. There were, even in those days of intellectual and religious darkness, craftsmen who were willing to search for the Lost Word. And though they were unable to find it, their approximation to truth was so near that the result of their search may well be symbolized by the Substitute Word.
And now we know by this symbolism what is meant by masonic labor, which, too, is itself but another form of the same symbol. The search for the Word--to find divine Truth--this, and this only, is a mason's work, and the WORD is his reward.
Labor, said the old monks, is worship--laborare est orare; and thus in our lodges do we worship, working for the Word, working for the Truth, ever looking forward, casting no glance behind, but cheerily hoping for the consummation and the reward of our labor in the knowledge which is promised to him who plays no laggard's part.
Extracts from
Show me the traces of our Old Wor(l)d!
How far can we follow them back in Our simulated New Wor(l)d?